Supply and Service Companies (SSCs)

Following Supply and Service companies are shortlisted to work with Water Management wing of Agriculture Department.

Installation of High Efficiency Irrigation Systems (HEIS)

The Agriculture Department has pre-qualified supply and service companies (SSCs)under PIPIP which would be responsible for installation of drip and sprinkler irrigation systems on turn-key basis and provision of post installation engineering and agronomic backup support services for at least two years. Their working would be regulated as per already approved procedures. The high efficiency irrigation system would be designed in accordance with accepted standards by keeping the costs down but ensuring trouble free operation.

Installation of Solar Systems with High Efficiency Irrigation Systems (HEIS)

The Agriculture Department has pre-qualified supply and service companies (SSCs) under ADP funded Project "Promotion of High Value Agriculture through Solarization of Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation Systems" which would be responsible for installation of Solar System on turn-key basis and provision of post installation backup support services for at least two years. Their working would be regulated as per already approved procedures. The Solar Systems would be designed in accordance with accepted standards by keeping the costs down but ensuring trouble free operation.

Provision of LASER Land Leveling Units

Locally manufactured LASER land leveling units as well as imported systems are readily available in Pakistan. The farmers/service providers will, therefore, have the option to purchase the LASER equipment of their own choice. The suppliers/manufactures will be short-listed along with their units in order to safeguard quality of the equipment to be procured under the project. Each short-listed firm would be required to submit one complete set of its approved equipment, which will be used as reference for monitoring the quality of units subsequently provided to the farmers / service providers. The same would be returned to the concerned firm after completion of the project on provision of a certificate from all districts where the firm would have delivered LASER units that there remains no complaint/ shortfall to be addressed.

Watercourse Improvement through Precast Concrete Parabolic Segments (PCPS)

It is discretion of Water User Association to choose Brick lining or Precast Concrete Parabolic Segments (PCPS) lining for improvement of watercourses and irrigation schemes under Punjab Irrigated-Agriculture Productivity Improvement Project. However, the World Bank has restricted watercourse improvement throgh PCLS only from February, 2016 onward. The suppliers/manufactures are short-listed in order to safeguard quality of the material and to ensure smooth supply of sengments.

LASER Land Leveling in Jalalpur Irrigation Project (JIP) Command Areas

Following eligible Farmers/Service Providers are hereby notified as registered service providers (SPs) under Command Area Development (CAD) component of ADB assisted project titled “Construction of Jalalpur Canal and its System” for carrying out LASER land leveling in JIP command area under subsidy scheme.