Objectives and Components

The overall project development objective (PDO) is to improve water productivity i.e. producing more crop per drop. The goal will be achieved through increasing delivery efficiency, adopting improved irrigation practices, promoting crop diversification, and effective application of non-water inputs. The PDO would contribute to increased agricultural production, more employment opportunities in rural areas, higher incomes from farming, better living standards of the farmers, and improved environment. The project will have following key objectives:

  • Improving productivity of irrigation water by efficient conveyance and its effective farm level use by adopting conservation agricultural practices

  • Production of more profitable crops through high efficiency irrigation systems (HEISs) for meeting increasing domestic demand and enhancing exports

  • Strengthening the private sector service delivery capacity and sustainability for supporting irrigated agriculture

  • Capacity building of stakeholders in better managing irrigation water for attaining higher crop yields with less production costs


The major activities to be carried out under the project include: 

Improving Water Productivity

  • Installation of High Efficiency Irrigation Systems (HEISs) on 120,000 acres

  • Strengthening of Precision Land Leveling Services in Private Sector through provision of 3,000 LASER leveling Units to Service Providers/Farmers

Upgrading Farm Level Irrigation Conveyance System 

  • Improvement of 5,500 unimproved Canal Irrigated Watercourses

  • Completion of 1,500 partially Improved Watercourses

  • Rehabilitation of 2,000 Irrigation Conveyance Systems in Non-Canal Commanded Areas 

Adoption and Promotion of Modern Irrigation Technologies & Practices and Monitoring & Evaluation 

  • Adoption and Promotion of Modern Irrigation Technologies and Practices

  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Project Impacts

Project Management, Supervision, Technical Assistance, Training and Strategic Studies 

  • Project Implementation and Management Support 

  • Implementation Supervision and Third Party Validation Consultancies

  • Strategic Studies, Technical Assistance, Training etc.